„We inspire and manufacture value“

"Training-on-the-Job" different this time – Health promotion day at CDA’s

Following the motto "Fit today ­– fit for tomorrow" our trainee Jennifer Höfer organized a health promotion day on CDA’s premises. This idea arose as part of the learning field "Implementing corporate strategies, projects". We liked this idea straight away and worked up a proper sweat ourselves. At five stops our employees   could try their skills. The fitness parcour was led by   Tom Schulz (Rennsteigwerkzeuge GmbH). He demonstrated exercises to improve mobility, physical skills and strengthening of the trunk muscles. The "back savers" Julian Altmann (Viba Sweets GmbH) and Jennifer Hönes showed how to relieve tensions and blockades by means of a foam roller. Also, the breaks were not left unused. Anyone interested could prove his/her skills in "Rucki Zucki" or "Cross Boccia". The title "Break game master" was won by Nick Gröschel. A physiotherapist measured the cervical spine and analysed it of those interested.  During the "posture check" Thomas Roß (BARMER) corrected any malposition of his "patients" – from seating position to inner attitude. His message was absolutely right: "People with negative thoughts appear negatively."   

´We follow this statement and would like to thank all participants of this successful positive event.

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