„We inspire and manufacture value“
CDA Think Green

Think Green. Our active contribution to environmental protection

CDA Think Green

Thüringer Wald is known for its green forests, rivers, lakes and meadows. It is our homeland. It is therefore our personal concern to preserve the environment so that future generations can enjoy an intact ecological, social and economic environment. This why we want to make our contribution both in production and upstream and downstream processes.

One of our maxims is: Become better with each passing day. 

We promote this mission statement by our integrated management system, and constantly monitor our performance.

CDA Think Green

Our commitment to eco-friendliness and energy-efficient processes also becomes evident in production. A case in point is the heat produced by the industrial facilities which is used for the heating system. The wastewater undergoes purification in a treatment plant monitored daily and regularly inspected by the environmental authority.

We put great emphasis on renewable resources, regenerative energies and recyclable packaging. Our customers get an outer packaging that can be reused.  Production materials are also recycled to the extent possible. Waste material from polycarbonate, sputter masks and even cleaning rags are reused.

CDA Think Green

Our employees are trained and informed on how to handle materials and energies carefully, separate and avoid waste. So, every single employee makes a contribution to environmentally sustainable corporate processes.

The certifications according to ISO 14001 und ISO 50001 are a priority for us because for us future-oriented thinking does not only mean to regularly adapt our technologies and processes but also organize the same in an environmentally friendly way. When purchasing machines and systems we therefore lay particular emphasis on energy-related aspects.

CDA Think Green

Our management information system enables us to respond quickly and safely to accidents, faults and other emergencies.

The sequence of our processes is designed in such are way that they are as energy-efficient and eco-efficient as possible. Cost efficiency also plays a vital role when it comes to the technical equipment.

From the heart of Thuringia to the whole world. We are aware of our responsibility towards environment, economy and society and put great emphasis on bringing them into harmony.

© 2025 CDA GmbH